Startup roadmap

Project status dashboard.

Last updated December 13, 2023


Project and research development

  • Project and research planning

  • Ecosystem design

  • Service design

Functional and operational layers

  • Business process design

  • Website and content design

Pre-Discovery Phase

Objective: Lay the foundation for Creaky Ion's startup journey with a focus on UX, human-centred design, and initial concept testing.

    • Assemble the founding team with expertise in UX, the arts, business and human-centred design approaches.

    • Conduct preliminary prototyping, research, and development for initial concepts, projects, content, products, or services.

    • Initiate fundraising and crowdfunding campaigns to support the pre-discovery activities and ionSpark.

    • Implement marketing strategies to create awareness and attract potential supporters.

    • Test initial concepts with a limited audience to gather valuable feedback for further refinement.

Discovery Phase

Objective: Deepen understanding, refine the business model, and strategically plan for growth while aligning with Section 1.2: Aims and objectives.

    • Submit applications to funding bodies like Arts Council, aligning with Creaky Ion's mission and objectives.

    • Engage in targeted project fundraising efforts to secure resources for upcoming initiatives.

    • Conduct extensive user research, emphasising active participation to understand user needs and preferences.

    • Actively focus on community growth initiatives, aligning with the aim of reaching new audiences.

    • Refine and curate meaningful experiences through creative activities, aligning with Creaky Ion's social and community goals.

    • Foster an ecosystem that supports creativity, innovation, and growth, setting the stage for future development.

    • Strategically plan the path toward becoming a semi-decentralized autonomous organisation (DAO) that is tokenized or web3 gated.

The project will continue to advance to the Alpha phase after we have successfully met the conditions for passing to the Discovery phase.

3. Alpha Phase

4. Beta Phase

5. Live Phase

6. Post-Launch Optimisation